30th Annual

Technical Conference

November 17, 2022

Chevron Energy Center

9525 Camino Media, Bakersfield

Featured Speakers 

 Alexei Vyssotski

Alexei V. Vyssotski is a General Manager of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS),
as part of Chevron New Energies. In this role, he is focused on deploying CCUS solutions to
accelerate progress toward the lower carbon ambitions of Chevron and its customers. 
Alexei is often described as a “strategy translator” as he adeptly leads teams to convert aspirational goals into reality while working with complex technical, business, and geopolitical challenges.

Alexei has a keen interest in the environment and has a high regard for practical science that
improves the quality of life. These interests were inspired by his childhood spent helping his
family work the land and learning from his parents who are both geologists. This experience led him to study geology and environmental science where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from Sam Houston State University and a Master’s degree in Geology from Rice University. Alexei has been fortunate to work in a variety of geologic basins while at Chevron where he led teams to recover hydrocarbon resources in North America and international locations.

Today, Alexei finds his role with Chevron New Energies to be a perfect intersection of the
environment, practical science, and complexity as he works to help advance a lower carbon

Charles Lee 

Charles Lee, Ph.D., is a principal consultant and serves as an office manager for Trinity Consultants office located in Irvine, California. Dr. Lee has more than 20 years of extensive air quality regulatory compliance and audit experience in local, state and federal environmental regulations. He has been taking the lead on the Climate Change, ESG, and GHG related projects in California for a more than a decade.

Dr. Lee is an accredited lead verifier by the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to perform verification and validation of GHG emissions or Carbon Intensities (CIs) derived from Life Cycle Analysis (LCAs) in various ARB programs (e.g., Mandatory Reporting, Offset Project, Low Carbon Fuel Standards) under the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32), covering almost all specialty required sectors (transactions, oil & gas, process, alternative fuel pathways, etc.) His diverse and in-depth experience and credentials are very valuable for industries looking for mandatory or voluntary validation/verification of GHG emissions for different reporting and offset reduction projects as well as for GHG compliance and regulatory affairs.

He also serves as a main instructor for Trinity education courses in the topic of “Air Quality Permitting in California – South Coast” and “California AB32 GHG Compliance and Strategies.” He is also involved as one of primary instructor for verifier accreditation training for ARB’s LCFS and COP programs. Dr. Lee holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry with emphasis in atmospheric chemistry from University of California, San Diego and a BS degree in Chemistry from University of California, Irvine.

Jackie Ferlita

Ms. Ferlita is the Founder and President of the Emissions Desk at AQC’s Environmental Credit Brokerage and Consulting business where she focusses on California and Texas’ many and varied regional emissions markets, California and Washington’s carbon cap-and-trade programs, voluntary carbon offset credit markets, and low carbon fuel standard markets.   Ms. Ferlita currently serves as a Board member on the SCAQMD Home Rule Advisory Committee, and is an active member of WSPA Associates, International Emissions Trade Association, and several Air & Waste Management Association regional chapters. Ms. Ferlita has a BA in Political Science from the University of California Los Angeles and an MBA with an emphasis on Finance from Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business Management.

Virginia King

Virginia (Ginny) King is a geologist with over 32 years of global experience strategically resolving environmental liability involving multiple contaminants in groundwater and soils, including petrochemical and manufacturing sites, legacy mining sites, pipelines spills, and refineries utilizing Natural Capital and nature-based solution (NbS) strategies. She has also led numerous strategies integrating natural capital to offset project footprints, demonstrate sustainability and achievement of ESG goals as well as carbon offsets and unlock hidden value contained within a corporation’s asset portfolio

Brian Clements

Brian Clements has 22 years of experience at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District where he is the Director of Permit Services, and oversees the District’s stationary source permitting, emissions inventory, air toxics, various registration programs, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and Indirect Source Review (ISR) programs. Mr. Clements holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from California State University, Fresno.

Curt Hildebrand

Curt Hildebrand currently serves as Senior Vice President – Commercial Affairs for Hydrostor.  Mr. Hildebrand brings over 35 years of experience and leadership in the independent power and renewable energy industries.  Mr. Hildebrand has served in a wide array of highly productive management roles in project development, power sales & marketing, project finance, government & regulatory affairs and business development. He has testified before the U.S. Senate Energy Committee, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission and numerous other state and local legislative and regulatory agencies. He has an extensive background in all aspects of project development, and has been directly responsible for the successful permitting, development, financing and construction of over 4,500 MW of profitable new gas-fired, wind and solar generation projects in California and the Western U.S.




8:00am – 9:00am

Main Room

Welcome & Refreshments


9:00am – 9:15am

Main Room

Board Announcements


9:15am – 10:00am

Main Room

Criteria & Toxics Reporting Update

By Brian Clements, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District


10:00am – 10:15am

Main Room

Grants & Scholarships Announcements

Exhibitor Presentations


10:15am – 11:00am

Main Room

ESG and Life Cycle Analysis 

By Charles Lee, Trinity Consultants


11:00am – 11:15am

Main Room

Break + Networking


11:15am – 12:00pm

Main Room

San Joaquin Valley APCD ERC Market

By Jackie Ferlita, Air Quality Consultants


12:15pm – 1:15pm

Main Room

Lunch Keynote: Benefits of Carbon Capture & Storage, Opportunities to Lower Carbon Intensity for Industry, and Promising Technologies

By Alexei Vyssotski, Chevron 


1:15pm – 1:30pm

Main Room

Exhibitor Presentations


1:30pm – 1:45pm

Main Room

Break + Networking


1:45pm – 2:30pm

Main Room

Willow Rock Energy Storage Center

By Curt Hildebrand, Hydrostor


2:30pm – 3:15pm

Main Room

Opportunities to Integrate Natural Capital to Overcome Daunting Challengers

By Virginia King, Stantec


3:15pm – 3:30pm

Main Room

Break + Networking


3:30pm – 4:00pm

Main Room

Closing & Adjournment

About the Conference

The AWMA Golden Empire Chapter’s 30th Annual Technical Conference has been scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Back in-person for the first time in three years, the conference will focus on regulatory and technological developments in air pollution and changes in environmental markets.

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Interested in sponsoring the 2022 Technical Conference?

About the Organizers

The A&WMA was established in 1907 and has chapters throughout the United States and Europe. The organization is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for technology exchange, professional development, public education and outreach to more than 13,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. The A&WMA also promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society.

The Golden Empire Chapter of the A&WMA consists of members from the manufacturing, chemical, agriculture and oil and gas industries as well as numerous local government agencies. All meetings and conferences are open to the public (membership is not required) and open attendance is encouraged. All proceeds from the Technical Conference fund our scholarship and educational grant program, which provides money to local schools and students to pursue science-related endeavors in the hope of preparing a new generation for environmental stewardship. The Golden Empire Chapter provides thousands of dollars each year to Central California schools and students through this program.


P.O. Box 22545
Bakersfield, CA 93390


P.O. Box 22545
Bakersfield, CA 93390
