31st Annual

Technical Conference

November 14, 2023

Chevron Energy Center

9525 Camino Media, Bakersfield

The Conference will feature presentations on the coming challenges for industry and regulators in the Central Valley, as well as strategies and tools being utilized to meet them.  

Featured Speakers 

 Jon Klein

Director, Commercial Origination & Execution, Carbon TerraVault 

Jon Klein is Director, Commercial Origination and Execution of Carbon TerraVault (CTV)
Holdings, LLC, a subsidiary of California Resources Corporation (CRC), an independent energy and carbon management company committed to energy transition.

Mr. Klein, like Carbon TerraVault, is focused on helping California meet its ambitious decarbonization goals by 2045. In his role, he is responsible for evaluating the unique asset base and employee skill sets at CRC and CTV to create solutions to decarbonize not only CRC’s
assets but also those of other industries. Mr. Klein’s career in the oil and natural gas sector
spans 16 years where he has held various roles in energy production and carbon solutions development.

Mr. Klein holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Phoenix and a Master of International Business degree from Arizona State University.

Catherine Reheis-Boyd

President and CEO, WSPA

Over her 33-year career at WSPA, and 39-year
career in the oil and gas industry, she has
dedicated her professional life to advocating
for regulatory and policy change regarding
transportation fuels, air and water quality,
climate change progress, renewable fuels, and
alternative energy innovation. After
numerous leadership positions within the
organization, Reheis-Boyd has served as the
President and CEO of WSPA since 2010,
overseeing the organization’s operations and
advocacy in five Western States – California,
Arizona, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon.

Before WSPA, she worked with Getty Oil and Texaco on environmental compliance at the Kern River Field in Bakersfield, California. In 2004, she was appointed by the California Resource Secretary to the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Blue Ribbon Task Force for an eight-year term. Reheis-Boyd was also appointed by the California Air Resources Board to the Stakeholder Consultation Group for AB617 to oversee air pollution reduction in the state’s three most impacted communities. Additionally, Reheis-Boyd was appointed to the National Marine Protected Areas Center’s Federal Advisory Committee. Her decorated career was recognized in 2016 when she was named Distinguished Woman and Petroleum Advocate of the Year by the California Latino Leadership Institute.  

Yasmeen Sultana

Senior Principal, Regional Business Leader – The Mountain Region

Yasmeen is a greenhouse gas (GHG) expert with 17 years of experience in consulting for GHG programs at several large oil and gas, power, and industrial clients. She is the Technical Leader for ESG/Sustainability at Stantec. Yasmeen also serves as a strategic advisor to global clients dealing with existing and emerging air quality, GHG, and climate issues. Yasmeen has been assisting large clients with developing their greenhouse gas portfolio and carbon programs for various corporate, voluntary, and regulatory reporting needs. Yasmeen also assists large clients with identification of GHG emission reduction opportunities, development of reduction and net zero plans including plans for reducing energy use at facilities, electrification of fleets, and use of alternative fuels. She is also an expert in the cap & trade markets for carbon and has collaborated with emissions credit brokerage firms to assist clients with emissions credit trading.

Marca Hagenstad

Playing a key role in growing Stantec’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) services, Marca partners across all business lines to support clients with actioning their sustainability goals and ensuring their strategies are aligned with evolving ESG standards. As a trained economist and certified sustainability advisor, Marca has 31 years’ experience leading development and implementation of ESG, circular economy and supply chain strategies for public and private sector clients. She advises on identification, disclosure and mitigation of ESG risks such as climate change and biodiversity risks, to ultimately improve resilience and long-term value creation.

Alex MacGregor

CEO, Qube Technologies

Qube’s co-founder and CEO, Alex previously worked as a professional in the oil and gas industry for over 15 years, including ten years in energy technology. He was formerly the Canadian sales and distribution manager for Ambyint and previously worked as a consultant for Aucerna in their Canadian, Australian and US offices. Alex holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia.

Chuck Magee

Public Works Manager, Kern County Public Works Department

Chuck McGee is a Public Works Manager in the Solid Waste Division of the Kern County Public Works Department. In his over 30 years with the Public Works Department, he has worked in the Hazardous Materials Exclusion and Diversion and Recycling Programs, and has served as the Supervisor in Charge of Waste Management Specialists, playing a key role in implementing Kern County’s waste diversion efforts.  Chuck possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from the University of South Carolina, a Bachelor’s in Geology and a Graduate Certificate in Hydrogeology from CSU Bakersfield, and many certifications with the Solid Waste Association of North America and the US Compost Council

Jennifer Ledergerber

Air Quality Compliance Manager, San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD

Jennifer Ledergerber is an Air Quality Compliance Manager for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.  Working at the Valley Air District since 2008 in various capacities as an Air Quality Inspector, Senior Air Quality Inspector, and Supervising Air Quality Inspector within the Compliance Department, Ms. Ledergerber has more than 15 years of experience implementing and enforcing air quality rules and regulations. Ms. Ledergerber currently leads a team of 30 compliance professionals whose goals are to provide a high-level of customer service and compliance assistance to the regulated community while improving air quality for all Valley residents.

Dave Born

Supervising Air Quality Inspector, San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD

Dave Born is a Supervising Air Quality Inspector for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. As a member of the District’s Compliance Department, Mr. Born has facilitated many enforcement and compliance assistance related activities to ensure adherence with District, state, and federal regulations. In addition to coordinating the duties of support staff, Mr. Born has been an important member of the District’s rulemaking efforts.




8:00am – 9:00am

Main Room

Welcome & Refreshments


9:00am – 9:15am

Main Room

Board Announcements


9:15am – 10:00am

Main Room

Energy Realities

By Catherine Reheis-Boyd, Western States Petroleum Association


10:00am – 10:15am

Main Room

Grants & Scholarships Announcements

Exhibitor Presentations


10:15am – 11:00am

Main Room

Positioning for Forthcoming ESG Regulations 

By Yasmeen Sultana & Marca Hagenstad, Stantec 


11:00am – 11:15am

Main Room

Break + Networking


11:15am – 12:00pm

Main Room

Work Practices for Effective Emissions Reductions Using Continuous Monitoring Technology 

By Alex MacGregor, Qube Technologies


12:15pm – 1:15pm

Main Room

Lunch Keynote: Carbon TerraVault – A New Carbon Management Business

By Jon Klein, Carbon TerraVault 


1:15pm – 1:30pm

Main Room

Exhibitor Presentations


1:30pm – 1:45pm

Main Room

Break + Networking


1:45pm – 2:30pm

Main Room

San Joaquin Valley APCD: Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Requirements at Oil and Gas Production Facilities and Monitoring Equipment

By Jennifer Ledergerber and Dave Born, San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD


2:30pm – 3:15pm

Main Room

Kern County Waste Diversion, Recycling, and SB1383 Compliance

By Chuck Magee, Kern County Public Works Department


3:15pm – 3:30pm

Main Room

Break + Networking


3:30pm – 4:00pm

Main Room

Closing & Adjournment

About the Conference

The AWMA Golden Empire Chapter’s 31st Annual Technical Conference has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Interested in sponsoring the 2023 Technical Conference?

About the Organizers

The A&WMA was established in 1907 and has chapters throughout the United States and Europe. The organization is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for technology exchange, professional development, public education and outreach to more than 13,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. The A&WMA also promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society.

The Golden Empire Chapter of the A&WMA consists of members from the manufacturing, chemical, agriculture and oil and gas industries as well as numerous local government agencies. All meetings and conferences are open to the public (membership is not required) and open attendance is encouraged. All proceeds from the Technical Conference fund our scholarship and educational grant program, which provides money to local schools and students to pursue science-related endeavors in the hope of preparing a new generation for environmental stewardship. The Golden Empire Chapter provides thousands of dollars each year to Central California schools and students through this program.


P.O. Box 22545
Bakersfield, CA 93390


P.O. Box 22545
Bakersfield, CA 93390
